All quotes are estimated and may vary depending on the author’s corrections, third-party pricing and/or additional design/production requirements. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. Valid for 30 days from receipt.
The grant on any license or copyright is conditioned on receipt of full payment. You own the artwork outright once the bill is paid, with no royalties or rollover fees. All finished artwork will be supplied to the client upon project completion. A $140 ex-GST fee will be charged to resupply artwork.
They happen, it’s just part of the process. My quotes allow for two rounds of changes. If the changes are outside the scope of the project, an hourly rate of $120 ex-GST will be charged.
Invoices are issued monthly or once the project has been completed and approved by the client. My terms are 14-days, this keeps the family fed and the bank happy!
I keep things hush-hush because I don’t like unwanted problems as much as you. All projects are treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Any questions, just ask.